Silk Road forums

Market => Rumor mill => Topic started by: digitalink on December 19, 2011, 08:20 pm

Title: WANTED: customers who ordered H from my last batch
Post by: digitalink on December 19, 2011, 08:20 pm
12/19/11  ***************

CUSTOMERS: I have received a couple complaints about the H on the last batch I was selling. As a professional vendor on Silk Road, it's my duty to provide nothing but the best product of superior quality. Unfortunately when it comes to H, this must be done through trial and error due to some people having different tolerance levels. As a professional vendor, I'm using the last batch as a baseline to know that anything that I sell in the future must be a lot stronger then that. I have been testing local product and I feel like I found a supplier that meets this demand. This will not fall under the responsibility of my customers. What this means is, to be fair and not put me out of business while taking responsibility for my short comings, I'll resend 1/2 of every customers order on the last batch for free, no purchase required. If you ordered one bag, you will receive one bag for free. If you ordered four bags, you will receive two for free. I would also like to take this moment to thank my loyal understanding customers for not throwing me under the bus, rather all of you politely came forward and made me aware of the product quality... while all of you still gave me 5/5. I can't thank you enough.
Your friendly vendor,

On another note:
As of today, I am taking address's of those who were part of the last batch and I will be keeping them encrypted in a thumb drive until either Tue or Wed this week when the new stock comes in and should be shipping. Please PM me on Silk Road with your information (please encrypt) when convenient.
Title: Re: WANTED: customers who ordered H from my last batch
Post by: Variety Jones on December 19, 2011, 10:42 pm
Classy 8)
Title: Re: WANTED: customers who ordered H from my last batch
Post by: Engineerwolf on December 20, 2011, 07:03 am
Wow, props to you for treating your customers so well! Good to see vendors that go above and beyond!
Title: Re: WANTED: customers who ordered H from my last batch
Post by: PumpkinYeti on December 20, 2011, 07:54 am
I'm not a customer, but I wanted to point out you said 1/2 order addition, noted 4 bags equals 2 bags free, but also said 1 bag customers would get 1 bag. Might want to change that to 1/2 bag to avoid confusion.
Title: Re: WANTED: customers who ordered H from my last batch
Post by: digitalink on December 20, 2011, 10:20 am
I'm not a customer, but I wanted to point out you said 1/2 order addition, noted 4 bags equals 2 bags free, but also said 1 bag customers would get 1 bag. Might want to change that to 1/2 bag to avoid confusion.

Actually that is fact. I will be giving customers who ordered 1 bag, 1 bag for free. But anything above that, they will receive exactly 1/2. I think as of now, 95% of those customers that were effected already claimed there free bags ;)
Which is about 25 bags so far. I'll probably break even with the restock but most important is being fair and professional.
Title: Re: WANTED: customers who ordered H from my last batch
Post by: derekforeal on December 20, 2011, 04:30 pm
That is very I did to bags in one iv and didnt get a buzz!  I look forward to trying the rc opiod...thanks for being a stand up trusted seller digi!  Great packaging!